Meet the Authors

The Tarot of Physics was created by the husband-and-wife team of Daniel John Horon and Corrine Kenner.
Meet Daniel John Horon
By day, Dan is a physicist. By night, he’s a philosopher.
Initially trained as an electrical engineer, Dan develops software programs that make computerized data more human-friendly. He’s the founder and president of Cadgraphics, Inc., which makes RescueLogic software for fire alarm systems.
He’s also a long-term member of the code committee of the National Fire Protection Association. His work with the NFPA establishes fire safety rules and regulations that are adopted as law by every municipality and state in the U.S., and further adopted by most other governments and countries in the rest of the world.
Dan has been called the father of Class N, the NFPA code that describes how Ethernet technology is used to network fire alarm systems. Dan also holds several patents that govern how technology can be used to monitor building safety and security.
Dan can talk for hours about science, but he also loves to talk about spirituality. He has studied with Rick Stack of the Seth Institute, Sara Landon, and Darryl Anka, and he holds several certificates of advanced tarot training from the Tarot School of New York.
Meet Corrine Kenner
Corrine Kenner specializes in bringing metaphysics down to earth.
She’s one of the world’s foremost authorities on tarot and astrology, and her groundbreaking book Tarot and Astrology has garnered more than a thousand five-star reviews. She’s the author of many other how-to guides and tarot decks, including Tarot for Writers, Astrology for Writers, the Wizards Tarot, the Impressionist Tarot, and Crystals for Beginners. Her books have been translated for a worldwide audience, and they’re available in sixteen languages.
Corrine is a certified tarot master and NCGR-certified astrologer, and she earned a bachelor’s degree in philosophy from California State University, Long Beach.
Corrine also writes fiction. As Cielle Kenner, she writes the Enchanted Antique Shop series of magical mysteries with a time-travel twist. As William Baker Zero, she writes about a team of time-traveling physicists called the Chroniverse League.
Fun Facts about Dan and Corrine
Dan and Corrine met online in 1997 and were married in 2000. They live in DeLand, Florida, a town of 40,000 people between Daytona Beach and Orlando. And while the Tarot of Physics is their brainchild, Dan and Corrine also have four grown children, two dogs, and a shared affection for Ancient Aliens.